Back Pain Clinic
Pain in the back could be associated with problems related to one or more factors.
Main causes of back pain:
- Strained muscles and ligaments or a muscle spasm. This strain occurs mostly because of lifting something too heavy, or lifting things in an improper way.
- Structural Problems that lead to spine discs getting ruptured, herniated or protruded.
- Sciatica, which is a sharp pain that moves down the back through the buttock.
- Osteoporosis – spinal vertebrae becomes weak and fragile to the extent that even a minor fall or mild stress leads to fracture.
- Arthritis – inflammation of the joints lead to pain in the lower back, knees, hips and shoulders.
- Spinal Stenosis – this means narrowing of spaces within spines, leading to increased pressure on the nerves that travel through the spine.
- Spinal Tumour – an abnormal growth that occurs in or around the spinal cord or within the discs.
- Other general causes may include infection of the spine, sleep disorders, or simply a bad mattress that does not provide correct support to the spine.