Trauma Surgeries By AO Principles

Orthopaedic trauma refers to a serious injury of the skeletal or muscular system caused by an external force, such as a fall or a car accident, physical violence, sport injury, natural disasters.
Orthopedic trauma care covers the spectrum of simple isolated fractures to severe life threatening accidents with multiple broken bones. More significant injuries with multiple broken bones, compound fractures and fractures near a joint, and fractures of the pelvis are more difficult to treat, and benefit the most from specialized care. Additionally, problems with healing including nonunions, infections (osteomyelitis) and healing with poor alignment (malunion) are often treated by fracture specialists.
Trauma can range from low energy fractures (often in elderly patients) to multiple injuries such as those caused by a road traffic accident. Bone and joint infection can also require emergency admission and treatment.
Our comprehensive orthopedic trauma capabilities include:
- Minimally invasive surgery for fractures
- Treatment of nonunions and malunions
- Pelvis and acetabulum surgery
- Treatment for infected fractures and osteomyelitis
- Limb lengthening
- Bone and joint transplantation
- Minimally invasive bone grafting
- Complex soft tissue reconstruction
- Complex upper extremity reconstruction